As we enter 2017
As we enter 2017
Are These the Later Days ?
The Times we live, as we enter these last days.
Some Disaster will happen. As the Holy Scriptures indicates Millions will perish in the areas between Iran and Syria.
Israel and her allies are working to formulate a plan of defense, as to Iran's and North Korea’s nuclear facilities.
France is now backing Israel more so than America. Germany has been warned by Israel as to the Persian menace.
The question remains, when will this calamity of mass destruction take place? Has World War Three begun?
Having spoken in several languages, and more than twenty nations from the Scriptures, I can truly observe the influence from England in every nation.
The 'Anglospheres' influence cannot be denied in Christian Faith, in Science and Politics.
Where is this leading us? It would appear a 'New World Order'.
Like it or lump it, this ‘New World Order’ is here to stay.
As the ‘Gospel Message’ went across the Roman Empire 2000 years ago, so can, in this Day and Age, the Gospel of Jesus Christ be spread.
+353 86 877 8346 Europe
April 29, 2017